Month: June 2019

KandyPens Gravity Review

The KandyPens brand has been popular and fairly well respected among vaporizer enthusiasts since they released their first product, the Galaxy wax pen. Rapper Fetty Wap showed off one of their units in a video, and many wax pen lovers consider the brand the best wax pens in the industry. This commercial success doesn’t mean that KanyPens will be resting on their laurels, though as they continue to put out new and innovative units like the Gravity wax pen. Does KandyPens deserve their reputation, or are they just great at marketing? Is the price tag of $129.95 justified for the Gravity? Read on and you decide.

Expert Review

KandyPens Slim Vaporizer Review

For a refillable juice or distillate 510-thread battery design, the KandyPens Slim has got you covered. Featuring a 0.5mL capacity design and consistent vapor quality for just a few bucks, the Slim is a great option for anyone that likes to make their own liquid and wants the ability to refill as well! See how it compares to the best vape pens in our in-depth review.

Expert Review

Firefly 2+ (Plus) Vaporizer Review

The Firefly 2 portable vaporizer established itself as an innovative device with great vapor quality, a strong battery and customizable heat settings thru an application. For those looking for a unique mid-range vape, this will be a good choice. These days, there are a lot more options like the Air MAX that blow the Firefly 2 out of the water!

Expert Review

Utillian 421 vs 721 Vaporizer Review

One of the questions we often hear from our customers and fellow vape enthusiasts is about which Utillian device is right for them. The Utillian 420 price and basic features make it the starter model from the brand. The 421 model is a step up from the 420 in price and quality, and the 721 has some distinct features that are improvements over the two. Is the price increase justified, and should you spend the extra money on the 721? We’ll let you know what we think and you decide.

Expert Review

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