Author: Drew H

Firefly 2+ (Plus) Vaporizer Review

The Firefly 2 portable vaporizer established itself as an innovative device with great vapor quality, a strong battery and customizable heat settings thru an application. For those looking for a unique mid-range vape, this will be a good choice. These days, there are a lot more options like the Air MAX that blow the Firefly 2 out of the water!

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Dr. Dabber Aurora Vaporizer Review

The Dr. Dabber brand first made a name for itself with the release of its popular Ghost wax pen. With their newer model the Dr. Dabber Aurora, there are some distinct changes made. Most noteworthy is the way the Aurora snaps together. Instead of the standard threaded connection you see with most wax pens, the Aurora has parts that snap together magnetically. Keep reading our Dr. Dabber Aurora review as we get into the other aspects of the device, and give our detailed opinion on it.

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Ghost MV1 Vaporizer Review

The Ghost MV1 vaporizer offers robust, delicious vapor from both dry herbs and concentrates. A powerhouse with a durable build, many owners of the MV1 think this portable vaporizer offers rips that are almost comparable to desktop devices. In this Ghost MV1 review, we’ll let you know the good and the bad, what we thought of this device, and let you decide if it’s right for you.

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Utillian 421 vs 721 Vaporizer Review

One of the questions we often hear from our customers and fellow vape enthusiasts is about which Utillian device is right for them. The Utillian 420 price and basic features make it the starter model from the brand. The 421 model is a step up from the 420 in price and quality, and the 721 has some distinct features that are improvements over the two. Is the price increase justified, and should you spend the extra money on the 721? We’ll let you know what we think and you decide.

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Zeus Arc VS PAX 3 Vaporizer Review

Welcome ladies and gentlemen, to another episode of portable vaporizer fight club! Today we get the pleasure of seeing two fairly similar yet different devices duke it out, where there can be only one winner. In this corner, we have the popular and experienced PAX 3, and in the other corner, it’s the strong, feisty rookie, the Zeus Arc. This is a pretty even match up, with both units having their strengths and weaknesses. The Arc boasts a gold vapor path and some of the thickest vapor we’ve ever seen, while the PAX 3 has more heat settings and Bluetooth capability. Which of these two evenly matched dry herb portable vaporizers will emerge as the victor? You’ll just have to keep reading if you want to find out.

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