Stop right there, don’t be throwing away your beautiful used brown weed! That stuff is still plenty potent and can make for some killer edibles for a rainy day!
In this guide we’re going to go over the best AVB recipes and how to make things like the infamous ‘stem milk’ among other types of dry herbs edibles! Check out our guide on the best AVB recipes to make some potent dry herbs edibles and give your bud a second life. This can be a savior for time where you want to get cooked but are dankrupt – left with only the used remains of sessions past!
What is AVB (and ABV)?
AVB, ABV, it’s all the same here! What is AVB/ABV exactly? Well the two interchangeable terms stand for:
Already Vaped Bud
Already Been Vaped
We don’t really know or care which the best term is, but for all intents and purposes we’ll refer to it as AVB here since ABV may be thought to refer to Alcohol By Volume.
This stuff is the light to dark brown weed leftover after your vaping sessions. Depending on the temperatures you vaped at as well as the type of dry herb vape you have will give you a different consistency and even color of end product. While color isn’t always an indicator of potency, it’s often thought that light brown/tan weed is less ‘spent’ than stuff that is darker and will have more THC/CBD left over in it.
Typically we don’t use herb that is very dark brown/black as there might be hardly any THC left inside and the taste will be substantially worse than normal spent weed. If you really push the limits of your herb, it may even be black which could be a sign of pyrolysis which is essentially combustion in the lack of sufficient air. This stuff tastes pretty bad. If you want to skip the vaping step, you can use the Ardent Nova Decarboxylator to decarb up to an ounce of weed at a time for easily edible cooking use.
Water curing your weed
Before making edibles, you might want to water-cure AVB that you’d accumulated to make the taste a little less strange. Most people don’t care about the taste, but those with a sensitive pallet might really be bothered by the taste of their AVB. Water-curing it can be the trick to making tasty edibles without that roasted-popcorn flavor!
How to water cure AVB:
This process is simple enough and all you’ll need it a tea towel/filtering cloth, some rubber bands, a glass jar, and some water! To start:
- Fill your glass jar or container with clean water and AVB.
- Shake it up and let it rest for around 30 minutes to an hour.
- Strain it out and see all the nasty colored water drain out.
- Fill the jar with water and AVB again and repeats the last steps until you get no colour change.
- This can take around 2-4 hours depending on your AVB, how thorough your process is, and other factors.
- Once there is no colour change, empty out the water and let your ABV dry out in the oven at around 120°C/248°F. This can also decarboxylate fresh dry herbs and won’t need a water cure.
How to make AVB edibles
Okay so not that you’ve water cured your AVB (optional), you’re ready to make edibles! There are hundreds of different ways to do this and we’ll share you our two favorite methods. Stem milk and AVB coconut oil! We’ll start with how to make stem milk or AVB milk!
Stem milk is often done by soaking the glass stem from your herb vape in high-fat milk to create a delicious and potent treat for those lazy Sundays. While you can do this with devices with plastic mouthpieces like the S&B Crafty+, we prefer to stick with glass and use the stem from a unit like the Arizer Solo 2.
That golden gooey honey-like substance that accumulates on the inside of your stems is very potent and worth saving! Simply soaking it warm milk for some time can extract all that delicious extract into your milk. Here’s our AVB/Stem milk recipe!
Materials needed:
- Sieve/sift fine enough to filter AVB but will let milk pass through
- AVB and/or glass stem with reclaim
- 500mL High-fat milk
- (Optional) Coconut oil and/or high-fat cream
- (Optional) Sugar, cocoa powder/hot chocolate mix
- Cooking pot
- Stove
- Gather your mouthpiece/stem which has enough residue/build-up on it and/or AVB.
- Put your stem and/or AVB into a pot and turn the high up to medium-low.
- Put 2 cups (500mL) high-fat (3.5%) milk into pot and bring it to a simmer (NOT BOIL!).
- (Optional) Add 1tbsp. coconut oil and 100mL high-fat cream to help with extracting THC.
- Stir occasionally and gently with a wooden spoon
- Add sugar, cocoa powder, and other additives to taste. For the lazy, just use some instant hot-chocolate powder
- Pull out the stem to inspect if it’s mostly clean. Once clean, take it out and let it cool off naturally to avoid thermal shock and breaking your precious glass!
- Strain the final concoction through a fine mesh screen, coffee filter, or other!
- Enjoy while warm and experience the effects roughly 30 minutes to an hour later ☺
The reason we call for high-fat milk, cream, and coconut oil is to help the THC extract into the lipids. Cannabinoids are not water soluble and will only dissolve into non-polar and fatty-type molecules. Butter, oils, and other fats are great for this!
AVB coconut oil
If stem milk isn’t your thing, you can make some delicious weed coconut oil which you can then use in any recipe, eat on your own time, or use for whatever purpose you can think of. This is very simple, easy, and effective!
Materials needed:
- Sieve/sift fine enough to filter AVB but big enough to allow coconut oil to pass through.
- Coconut oil
- Water
- Glass mason jar
- Cooking pot
- Stove
- For best results, grind up or crush your AVB very finely! Put this in a glass mason jar
- Take your amount of AVB and mix in a 1:2 ratio of AVB:Coconut oil. So for one tablespoon of
AVB, use 2 tablespoons of coconut oil. This ratio isn’t so important though since coconut oil is great for extracting THC - Fill a pot with 1 cup (250mL) of water. Turn the temperature to medium-low. Gentle place the mason jar into the pot and cover both lids if you can.
- Let sit for 4+ hours or at low heat overnight. The final solution should appear brown.
- Stir/swirl the AVB/coconut oil mixture occasionally
- Strain/sift through mesh screens/filters to get rid of particulate matter.
- Let final mixture cool in fridge. It’s now ready to use whenever!
Now you can use your AVB coconut oil concoction in almost anything! Coffee, cake, cooking, or eat it raw if you’re a special sort of madman.
So there you have it!
We hope these simple and easy AVB recipes help you out and have you making some great edibles for the days of dankruptcy or when you have a lazy Sunday upcoming! While we can’t tell you how strong this is going to be, generally 1-2 tablespoons is enough for most people with a low-medium tolerance! Start low and add more a few hours later because edibles can be unexpected and very surprisingly strong.