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Utillian 5 V3

USD $89.99

Key Features:

  • Manufacturer Warranty: 1 year on the Battery
  • Heat Up Time: Instant
  • Durable Build (Scratch Resistant)
  • 1500mah Battery
  • Micro USB Charging
  • 4 Preset Temperatures
  • Integrated Dab Tool Mouthpiece
In stock, ships in 1-2 business days.
Utillian 5 V3
USD $89.99

Dab Pen and E-Rig Cleaning Guide

So you’ve just bought yourself a fancy new wax pen vaporizer or e-rig. You might be at a loss on exactly what to do though. Fret not, we’ve made a handy dandy little guide on how to clean and use your wax pen or e-rig!

Stay tuned for some valuable tips & tricks on how to use your concentrates vaporizer in the best way.

Why you should clean your wax vaporizer

Even after a few dabs, you’re going to have a noticeable decline in taste to go along with the visible yellow resin buildup around your atomizer. The more that you neglect this cleaning, the flavor of your new dabs will be affected by the burnt taste of your resin buildup. 

With that being said, if you’re still getting a burnt taste even after cleaning, it might be time for a new atomizer altogether. 

How to clean a dab pen?

Keeping your wax vape clean and tidy is important for getting consistent performance and getting good terpene flavors. Don’t skimp out on cleaning – you’ll get frustrated as time goes by! Wax is messy. That’s just a fact of how wax pens and e-rigs are. Thankfully our friend isopropyl alcohol makes quick work of any build-up and grime.

For the mouthpiece and battery of your vaporizer, you’ll be able to use Vape Cleaning Wipes to wipe away any grime quickly. While you’re doing this, you can also unscrew your atomizer and give a quick wipe to your threaded connections to ensure good connectivity. 

For minor resin buildups on bucket atomizer, you’ll be able to heat your chamber a bit to help loosen any grime, and then give a gentle scrub with a Vape Cleaning Stick. We also find the Zeus cleaning kit very useful as the kit includes pre-soaked cotton swabs, presoaked wipes, bristle cleaners, and a bottle of cleaning solution to soak your vaporizer parts inside.

For heavier buildups on your bucket atomizer, you’ll want to unscrew it from your battery and then let it soak for 30 minutes in a small glass of isopropyl alcohol. This may or not be successful depending on your atomizer/coil setup. Afterwards, give a hot water rinse off and a burn-off cycle to ensure the best vapor quality. 

For the air ports, if they become clogged with resin, you can try using a thumb tack or paperclip ending to poke them free. This usually happens because you were hitting your wax pen on an angle and your concentrate rode up towards the mouthpiece, so the best remedy is to avoid this problem altogether. 

How to Clean Utillian 5

How to clean burnt resin from an atomizer

Especially with ceramic atomizers, you might have something known as chazzing, which occurs after burning your buildups. This black tar will grow if you don’t clean it. Luckily, it is easy to scrape off by loosening with some Q-Tips dipped in Orange Chronic Cleaner, followed by using your dab tool to scrape them off. In just a few minutes, your atomizer will be looking good as new! Just a heads up though, you won’t want to try this with your quartz atomizer as they are easier to chip. 

cleaning chazzed atomizer with dab tool

How to clean exposed coils

Hard scrubbing exposed coils like on the Utillian 5 heating elements isn’t as viable as it is with ceramic bucket atomizers. For this reason, a good alternative will be to soak your atomizer in isopropyl alcohol for 20 minutes before a hot water rinse. After these steps, you’ll be able to crank the temperature to maximum, hold your wax pen upside down, and then run several burn off cycles while your leftover wax either drips off or is fully evaporated from your exposed coils! 

Utillian 5 Different Coils

Dab Pens Tips and Tricks

  • Always keep your batteries topped up! Wax pens work best when their battery can supply the voltage needed.
  • Use water! A water pipe (bong) is an excellent addition to any wax pen and gives you that well-needed filtration to help smooth the dab-like hit.
  • Keep it clean. Wax pens and e-rigs can quickly go from hero to zero if they get clogged or taste like burnt wax. Cleaning should be a top priority to having a healthy rig.
  • Less is more! A little goes a long way and when you use too much you run the risk of scorching & wasting plenty of your concentrates. It helps to keep maintenance down too.
Utillian 5 v3 Bubbler

Utillian 5 and Utillian 5 Glass Bubbler

Final Thoughts

We hope our tips & tricks towards using and cleaning your e-rig or wax pen helped out! If you’ve got any questions at all, feel free to drop us a comment and we’ll help you out right away.

While they might be annoying to clean, it’s a great routine to get into at least once a month to ensure that your device will be working its best along with giving you the best flavors possible. 

Thanks for tuning and until next time, stay easy guys 🙂

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